Pat Hanner Art Gallery

Art Gallery Tour

"Autumn Leaves Girl"

Bruce started this
picture with the dress
design that he saw and

Then came the
face and body and the
autumn leaves scene
evolved to finally
achieve this beautiful
oil painting which
hangs in his home.

Still the beautiful
design of the dress
is featured.

This print is elegant.

Bonnie is a Residence Manager at Lanterman Developmental Center
where Bruce and I work.

Bruce painted portraits of the clients and his fellow staff members for them.

This internet picture does not do
justice to the beauty Bruce's art.

With the individuals who live at Lanterman, Bruce paints their portrait and then he paints the clothes and the background according to their own personal interests.

The pictures are displayed in own their living areas.
"Girl Sitting" by Bruce Summers

Another picture of the masters done in oil paint as Bruce studied his style and mastered it beautifully.

"Angels at the Gate" Bruce "studied under the masters" by painting his own rendition of one of Kincaid's paintings. Using Kincaid's style and adding the angels at the gate, Bruce ccreated this beautiful oil painting. The blurryness of this internet picture fails to show the clearity and detail and beauty of Bruce's talent.

"Old Man" by Bruce Summers

This picture in reality is clear and realistically detailed. This internet picture only gives you an idea of it's bear the master and I was so blessed that he gave it to me, for it is truly beautiful. It hangs in my office at Lanterman.

A print of it could be made especially for you. 0