Pat Hanner Art Gallery
Bruce Summers

Bruce Summers is a wonderful man. He is a World renown artist through the blessing of this Web page. Art is his hobby. His beautiful oils hang on the walls of Lanterman Developmental Center, his home and the homes of his friends. Bruce started working at Lanterman at the age of 20 and has skillfully cared for the Developmentally Disabled individuals that we have served all these past 30 years. He is a licenced professional Psychiatric Technician. A few months ago Bruce put on an Art Gallery showing of some 60 oil paintings in the Recreation Hall. Beautiful, they were simply beautiful, as is the man, himself. He wrote this message in his program for that showing:
In 1977, I was asked to paint some wall murals under the direction of my Resident Manager, Sherry. Later, in 1979, Harriet, an other Residence Manager said "if you can do that on wall, why not put it on canvas?" The thought of that scared me because I knew I wasn't that good. But I began making attempts at painting scenery and only turned in a few that I wasn't ashamed of. I always marveled at Pat Hanner's art work (and still do) that I would see on different Residences, especially when she painted people and children. So, I began pacticing painting, primarily people.
Through the years at Lanterman, I found myself painting some of our clients and staff who have touched my life. I'm always thrilled to capture someone on canvas and give thanks to God for that gift. The older I get and the more people I know, the more I am convinced that Lanterman has some of the greatest people in the world right here. Lately, I've attempted to learn more from artists like Gainsborough, Rembrandt, and Bouguereau, by attempting to paint what they did.
Thanks to all at Lanterman for this opportunity to share a bit of myself. #000000

Bruce contributed many paintings to the walls of Lanterman since "Project Redo" in the early 1980s. He is a very talented artist who's gift from God has been wonderfully refined throughout the years to produce such beautifully skilled work. He started on the walls, doing what people wanted to have painted as I did.

He went through the same refining process that I did except he specialized in oils and I turned to charcoal drawings as we struggled to master portraits. Bruce had a wonderful gift of capturing our client's faces and painting a background fitting to the personality of his developmentaly disabled subjects. We continue to learn. I thank God for Bruce Summers. Pat Hanner, fellow artist and Nursing Education Director at Lanterman.
